Saturday, June 7, 2008

Housewarming Etiquette

Dear Limo Princess,
I recently received an invitation for a housewarming. I was in shock and felt humiliated when the host included in the invitation "if you are attending the housewarming call me and I will let you know what kind of food you need to bring". I felt so offended by it and so other guess who attended as well. I know that guess can bring a gift of their choice for a housewarming. But asking to bring food is the most ridiculous, lack of etiquette and rudeness I ever heard. However, the family of the host think that it's nothing wrong with it. As of matter of fact they think that by guess bringing food "potluck" it was a great idea because they have more food choices. Are they out of their mind, when did the housewarming rules changed? Thank goodness they did not ask to bring a gift. However, I prefer to bring a gift for the house and not to be asked to bring food. Your suggestions please.

Dear Lety,
They haven't breached any etiquette rules at all in asking for food instead of gifts. I think that they just wanted to have a party and not worry about people having to shop for a gift--if it's not their first house then they don't need any of the traditional housewarming gifts. The concept of s housewarming is like a bridal shower or a baby shower where first-time brides and Moms are given gifts for the wedding and the baby. The history of a housewarming party is like that--a couple just moving into a new home for the first time has a housewarming and friends bring things for the house. But if you already have everything you need for the house and want to have a party without making your friends feel obligated to bring gifts they don't need, what else can you do? That's right, you have a potluck!! I think it's a great idea because I personally love potlucks--I have been cooking for 40 years and I know what everything I make tastes like and I love to try other people's cooking and recipes. The reason they said they'd tell you what to bring is so they don't get 27 desserts. Put on a big smile and make your best recipe in the category of what you were asked to bring, and go and have a great time!
Limo Princess

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