Sunday, June 8, 2008

Graduation gift etiquette re: money gifts

Dear Limo Princess,
I recently attended a graduation party and as the graduate opened his cards the money was promptly put into his pocket and the card was passed around with no indication as to the amount given by the presenter. I personally do not need recognition for a money gift, however several people were quite irritated that the amount given was not indicated by the recipient at the time the gift was opened. What is the proper etiquette with regards to money gifts and public recognition?

Dear Arlene,
This is the most egregious breach of etiquette I can think of--where is trailer park where this party was held? There is nothing so tacky as opening gifts in the presence of one's guest and then to announce the amount and the name of the sender is simply beyond the pale. What were they doing? Keeping score on who gave what so that they could retaliate at Christmas if the gift was deemed to be inadequate?? Good Heavens!! Gifts should NEVER be opened in the presence of guests--this is an unbreakable rule and that there were guests that were upset that the amounts were not announced....dear heavenly days!! Here's the proper etiquette: Gifts are opened privately after the party and thank-you notes are promptly sent. No other behavior is acceptable. Period. I must now lay down and put a cold cloth on my head and wonder what the world is coming to.
Disbelieving and still in shock,
Limo Princess

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