Saturday, June 7, 2008

Host gift

Dear Limo Princess,

I have been invited to a farewell party for my boss, to be held at the palace of a family in our community. their restaurant will provide the dinner. I would like to bring a host gift, but don't think wine or flowers would be appropriate. Any other ideas?
thanks, Liz

Dear Liz,
Flowers are ALWAYS the perfect hostess gift and a bottle of excellent wine is quite good too--just keep in mind that you shouldn't expect them to serve it the night you present them with it. Many people make the mistake of thinking they have to open and serve any wine that is brought to them on the night of the party, this is not the case. Give them the wine and tell them that you drank it with a roast lamb (or whatever) and it was perfect with the dish. They will then put it away and open it when they are serving the perfect dish to go with it.
Limo Princess

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