Saturday, June 7, 2008

Father's Death after Divorce

Dear Limo Princess,
My husband's father and mother divorced almost 20 years ago after he had an affair that produced a daughter. Although it took my husband 10 years to forgive his father, he restored that relationship. During the past 9 years, my husband has made an effort to visit his father and send cards on the holidays. Last week, my father-in-law died suddenly. Since his death, my mother-in-law has informed me that we are expected to send a sympathy card and a monetary gift to my husband's step sister and step mother. I am unclear how to respond to her request. After a father's death, is the first family expected to send cards and monetary gifts to the second family? My husband and I are a biracial couple; he is Chinese. Is this a Chinese custom?
Dear Rhonda,
I am not familiar with Chinese customs, but this is America and you and your husband are Americans (presumably) and it is not an American custom to send money in the event of a death. It's up to you if you want to follow her instructions, I'd send a very impersonal card and be done with it.
Limo Princess

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